Fantasy Author

Crimson Cloak Publishing Author – W.H. Matlack

In my ongoing series of posts about Crimson Cloak Publishing authors, today we meet William Matlack.

1) Do you write books as a career, or are you currently still juggling your author time with a full or part time job?

 I write full time now, but I don’t rely totally on royalties to make my living. It’s been estimated (no I don’t know the source, but it sounds quite reasonable) that only five percent of published writers make enough in royalties to support themselves. I figure that at least one percent of that group is named Steven King. Oh, and that same ratio works for actors, artists, and anyone else in the entertainment field.

 2) Have you always wanted to be an author, or did some time or event in your life set you on the path?

 With a degree in Journalism, I’ve always written professionally. Once I retired, all I had to do was shift my writing to the publishing side. It’s all about me, now, and that makes it more fun.

 3) Do you always write in the same genre, or do you sometimes like a change of theme?  If you haven’t already, is there another genre you would like to write?

 I’m a very prolific writer in that I like to show versatility. My published material ranges from humorous short stories, emotional short stories, satirical short stories, a line of graphic stories, full-length mystery novels and, most recently, graphical children’s books in conjunction with a couple of artists. I know I could sell more if I came up with a serial character like a Bosch or something, but I get a little bored with that.

 I’d like to write a truly frightening ghost story, but that genre seems to be way over-written. I just can’t come up with a unique approach.

4) As a writer, what is the best thing that has happened to you, and what is that most exciting thing that could happen to you?

 Getting accepted by my first publisher was WAY exciting, but then being invited to publish a short story in one of Crimson Cloak’s anthologies was even more exciting, because I hadn’t solicited that. It came from my modest reputation as a short story writer and the many short stories I had already published.

I guess, like most writers, the most exciting thing would be to have one of my books or short stories produced as a movie.

 5) How do you view the promotion, book signings etc. Is it something you enjoy, or do you prefer the writing stage?

As a writer, I love meeting people who have enjoyed my work. I’m certainly better at writing than  promoting myself, but both are necessary, and both should be equally as rewarding. The best thing about the promotional side is that I’m promoting my works, not something done by someone else.

 6) Could you tell us something about your published books, and let us know what they are about and where they are available?

I’ve completed five full-length mystery novels, most of them with a paranormal twist, over twenty short stories (most of them somewhat autobiographical), a line of comic books, and one children’s book with two others in art production.

 Most of my work may be seen on Amazon at:


Great replies, William! Thank you for taking part. Best of luck with your future work.

Here is a link to William’s book published by Crimson Cloak Publishing!

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