Lynne North Blog

Fantasy Author

Chinese Zodiac-The Tiger

Years of the Tiger

1902 08 Feb 1902 – 28 Jan 1903
1914 08 Feb 1902 – 28 Jan 1903
1926 13 Feb 1926 – 01 Feb 1927
1938 31 Jan 1938 – 18 Feb 1939
1950 17 Feb 1950 – 05 Feb 1951
1962 05 Feb 1962 – 24 Jan 1963
1974 23 Jan 1974 – 10 Feb 1975
1986 09 Feb 1986 – 28 Jan 1987
1998 28 Jan 1998 – 15 Feb 1999
2010 14 Feb 2010 – 02 Feb 2011

As a Tiger, you are a fault-finder and a rebel. You are always the ringleader, sometimes to the limits of recklessness and irresponsibility. You are, however, very difficult to resist with your magnetic air of authority. People automatically respect you, which is just as well because you love to be in charge and hate to obey. You will stand up for what you think is right. You can be stubborn, but at the same time capable of great generosity. You are prone to a tendency to be a little narrow-minded, and find it difficult to fully trust anyone. You are always in the lead, not directly interested in money, but capable of making a lot. You are also capable of great love, but affairs can end badly when you become too intense. No one enjoys luck like that of the Tiger in their stormy lives, and you will certainly never be bored or boring! If you can ever learn to look before you leap you can achieve great success.

Chinese Zodiac-The Buffalo

Years of the Buffalo

1901 19 Feb 1901 – 07 Feb 1902
1913 06 Feb 1913 – 25 Jan 1914
1925 24 Jan 1925 – 12 Feb 1926
1937 11 Feb 1937 – 30 Jan 1938
1949 29 Jan 1949 – 16 Feb 1950
1961 15 Feb 1961 – 04 Feb 1962
1973 03 Feb 1973 – 22 Jan 1974
1985 20 Feb 1985 – 08 Feb 1986
1997 07 Feb 1997 – 27 Jan 1998
2009 26 Jan 2009 – 14 Feb 2010

Born under the sign of the Buffalo (sometimes known as the Ox) you will be diffident, slow, precise, methodical and balanced, hiding an original and intelligent nature behind a homely façade. You have the gift of inspiring others with confidence. You like to be alone to think, and can be rather self-centred which you will be criticised for at some time in your life. Despite your tranquil appearance, you are prone to intense (and fortunately rare) rages. The Buffalo must not be crossed. You are stubborn, and if you are in someone’s firing line, you will spare no one. You hate new ideas, choosing tradition over innovation every time. The Buffalo will work very hard, but must be in authority, therefore is often misunderstood by those close to them. Though deeply fond and proud of your family, you require obedience. You can be tender, but rarely romantic. Your materialistic outlook on life is the root of most of your disappointments. Buffalos make the best of friends, and caring, faithful partners.

Chinese Zodiac-The Rat

Years of the Rat
1900 31 Jan 1900 – 18 Feb 1901
1912 18 Feb 1912 – 05 Feb 1913
1924 05 Feb 1924 – 23 Jan 1925
1936 24 Jan 1936 – 10 Feb 1937
1948 10 Feb 1948 – 28 Jan 1949
1960 28 Jan 1960 – 14 Feb 1961
1972 15 Feb 1972 – 02 Feb 1973
1984 02 Feb 1984 – 19 Feb 1985
1996 09 Feb 1996 – 06 Feb 1997
2008 07 Feb 2008 – 25 Jan 2009

If you were born in the Chinese Year of the Rat, you were born under the dual sign of charm and aggression. Your exterior is calm and well-balanced, but inside you are totally restless. You can be a creator of embarrassing situations, a niggler, a grumbler. You like to be part of the ‘In Group’, but have more acquaintances than true friends. You need to be self contained. Above all, you are an opportunist, making the most of any chances that come your way. You can sometimes be mean or narrow-minded, but nevertheless you are honest. You prefer to live by your wits than by work, and unfortunately you spend money as quickly as you earn it. You can be very generous and sentimental with the ones you love, and can make a success of your life if you manage to master your perpetual discontent and your insistence on living for the present. You have a charisma that draws others to you, are sociable, sensitive, and usually well liked.

Zac's Destiny Trailer

Hope you enjoy the book trailer for Zac’s Destiny, my sword & sorcery fantasy book. Written for children of approx nine years of age and older, Zac’s Destiny is also proving popular with an older audience.

Zac's Destiny

Zac's Destiny

Zac's Destiny is a children's sword & sorcery fantasy aimed at the nine years of age to mid teen market.

Gertie Gets it Right (eventually)

Children's humorous fantasy novel

Gertie Gets it Right (eventually) is a children's humorous fantasy novel aimed at the eight years of age to young teen market.

The Chinese Year of the Dragon

The Chinese Year of the Dragon begins on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013.

The Year of the Dragon which occurs every twelve years in Chinese astrology is a year for enacting great deeds, beginning innovative ideas and setting about big projects. Success can usually be expected for people dealing in finances. This will be an advantageous time to begin new projects in business, and on a social level new romances or rekindling of old ones promise to being out the fireworks.

The Year of the Dragon brings excitement, and can produce a series of ups and downs in our lives. It is in our hands how we make the best of the ups, and cope with the downs.

The Dragon is said to give happiness and success to all good and honest people. It is a year when we should be bold in our undertakings.

 The Year of the Dragon is always seen to be favourable to family life, and the birth of special children.

 Soar with the Dragon, and meet your successes head on!


As I am planning to write a macabre Twist in the Tale anthology of 13 tales, I thought it might be an idea to look into why the number 13 is so universally seen as the unluckiest of numbers. We all avoid it, even worse if the 13th falls on a Friday! Why are we so superstitious of the number 13? So widely is the number feared, we even find streets of houses have no number 13, but 12a and 12b instead. Hotels avoid having a room thirteen, and even omit a thirteenth floor altogether by counting right from floor 12 to floor 14.

It is hard to see why a number should hold such fear, for so many people.

Evidence as to the origins of this superstition are sketchy, though the number’s notoriety is not helped by the fact that card thirteen in a Tarot pack is the Devil, and witches covens traditionally have 13 members.

Some say the traditional hatred of the number 13 comes from the Last Supper where 13 people were asked to the eventful meal, the 13th being Judas Iscariot. This could be one reason, but the fear goes back even further than this biblical event.

As far back as Ancient Rome, people feared and avoided the number 13. Significantly, the Ancient Egyptians saw 13 as the last step on the ladder that led their souls to Eternity. Add to that the fact there are 13 steps leading to a gallows, 13 knots in a hangman’s noose, and 13 feet which the guillotine blade falls…It could account for our ancesters fear of 13!

So, will we ever really know why 13 has such an effect on us? Is it unlucky because we believe it is?

Whatever the reason, I think it is a good number of stories to include in a Twist in the Tale anthology.

Comments welcome!

Happy New Year

Hi all, here we go into another year. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the last year. Here’s hoping 2012 will be a good year for us all. Make those resolutions, and stick to them! I plan to complete my latest children’s humorous fantasy novel this year, and a macabre Twist in the Tale anthology to be released on Kindle. Watch this space for updates!
