Fantasy Author


As I am planning to write a macabre Twist in the Tale anthology of 13 tales, I thought it might be an idea to look into why the number 13 is so universally seen as the unluckiest of numbers. We all avoid it, even worse if the 13th falls on a Friday! Why are we so superstitious of the number 13? So widely is the number feared, we even find streets of houses have no number 13, but 12a and 12b instead. Hotels avoid having a room thirteen, and even omit a thirteenth floor altogether by counting right from floor 12 to floor 14.

It is hard to see why a number should hold such fear, for so many people.

Evidence as to the origins of this superstition are sketchy, though the number’s notoriety is not helped by the fact that card thirteen in a Tarot pack is the Devil, and witches covens traditionally have 13 members.

Some say the traditional hatred of the number 13 comes from the Last Supper where 13 people were asked to the eventful meal, the 13th being Judas Iscariot. This could be one reason, but the fear goes back even further than this biblical event.

As far back as Ancient Rome, people feared and avoided the number 13. Significantly, the Ancient Egyptians saw 13 as the last step on the ladder that led their souls to Eternity. Add to that the fact there are 13 steps leading to a gallows, 13 knots in a hangman’s noose, and 13 feet which the guillotine blade falls…It could account for our ancesters fear of 13!

So, will we ever really know why 13 has such an effect on us? Is it unlucky because we believe it is?

Whatever the reason, I think it is a good number of stories to include in a Twist in the Tale anthology.

Comments welcome!

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